Tuesday, October 8, 2019

halacha - Is there a basis for the practice of starting Shmoneh Esreh with the chazzan?

When davening with a minyan which is doing "heiche kedushah," some start saying the silent Shmoneh Esreh together with the chazzan. However, the Rama (Orach Chaim 109:2) says that ideally one should not start with the chazzan, but instead wait:

לכתחלה לא יתחיל עד אחר שאמר קדושה והאל הקדוש אלא שאם הוצרך להתחיל מכח שהשעה עוברת או כדי לסמוך גאולה לתפילה דינא הכי

According to this post, when doing "heiche kedushah" one is supposed to start Shmoneh Esreh after Kedushah unless there is no time. Is there any basis for starting Shmoneh Esreh with the chazzan even when there is time, or is this a mistake?

Edit: In this answer,

The standard practice is listed as:

A. Ideally, listen to the chazan complete Kedusha, and then start your own Shmoneh Esrei from the beginning. B. If you're really in a rush, daven along silently with the chazan from the beginning, then everyone continues silently from Ata Chonen.

Students of Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveitchik (and I believe most Briskers of other influence as well) feel that B is the correct way to do it in all situations.

What is the basis for the Brisker and Sephardic position?

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