Friday, October 25, 2019

purim torah in jest - PTIJ: For whom should I vote? (US Presidential Elections 2016)

There is a commandment to vote for a president, as it says (Devarim 17:15):

שׂוֹם תָּשִׂים עָלֶיךָ מֶלֶךְ אֲשֶׁר יִבְחַר

Place upon yourselves a king who shall be chosen [by voting]

And we see here that the US President has enough power to warrant the blessing over seeing a king.

With that in mind, who should i vote for? Please provide Biblical and Talmudic sources that "specifically mention"* one of the current candidates as someone either worth voting for or who should be avoided.**

* This mention must be Purim Torah -- based on a pun or misunderstanding of the verse. I specifically do not want any real modern-day rabbis saying who to vote for in this election. The candidate can be identified either by name or by a defining characteristic.

** It shouldn't just be any "mention" of the candidate's name, but rather specifically something related to voting or a position of power.

Please leave your personal politics out of this.

Note that we are not telling you who to vote for in this question. For some real Torah-based opinions on what to take into account when voting, see the following questions:


Targum Onkelos to Shemos 36:6:

ופקיד משה ואעברו כרוז במשריתא

And Moshe appointed, and they passed Cruz over the camp

Seems the father of all prophets would have us appoint Cruz.

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