Monday, October 28, 2019

shemoneh esrei - Morid HaGeshem or Morid HaGoshem

What is the correct pronunciation HaGeshem or HaGoshem?


Since geshem changing to gashem is dependent on whether the word comes at the completion of a phrase (esnachta or sof pasuk), the real question is:

Is the ability to make rain a praise in itself (ending the phrase- hagashem), or is it only a praise if it is used to sustain life and must be followed by mechalkel chaim b'chesed (hageshem)

There are many in each camp. Interestingly, even though Rav Moshe writes hagashem, the sefer Tefila K'hilchasa quote a pamphlet (Mechalkel Chaim) which claims much support for hageshem and claims that Rav Moshe retracted.

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