Wednesday, October 23, 2019

torah service - Hagbah of the Yemenites (Temanim)

I was learning in a sefer which discusses a case where they couldn't do hagbah, and the Mechaber suggested to do the hagbah like the Teimanim which is to leave it on table in some way, but I didn't fully grasp how it's done. Is there a picture of their technique or a description how it's done?


Is there a picture of their technique or a description how it's done?

Screen cap from the link that MoriDoweedhYaa3qob posted:

Hagba, Teiman style

Using some cloth (Talith or similar) the parchment is lifted to about head-height. To do this, one would have to unroll the Sefer Torah while lifting it.

Probably best to grab it at the seam (which you can find every 3 to 4 columns).

After the Hagba is over, one would have to roll back the slack while slowly lowering it.

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