Sunday, October 27, 2019

optimization - Implementation of Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (BOMP) Algorithm

How would one implement the lock Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (BOMP) Algorithm?


The Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (BOMP) Algorithm is basically the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) Algorithm with single major difference - Instead of selecting single index which maximizes the correlation we chose a set of indices, sub set of columns of the matrix and the solution vector.

A good reference for the algorithm is given in:

  1. An Optimal Condition for the Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm.

  2. Block Sparsity: Coherence and Efficient Recovery.

The code is given by:

function [ vX ] = SolveLsL0Bomp( mA, vB, numBlocks, paramK, tolVal )
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
%[ vX ] = SolveLsL0Omp( mA, vB, paramK, tolVal )
% Minimizes Least Squares of Linear System with L0 Constraint Using

% Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) Method.
% \arg \min_{x} {\left\| A x - b \right\|}_{2}^{2} subject to {\left\| x
% \right\|}_{2, 0} \leq K
% Input:
% - mA - Input Matirx.
% The model matrix (Fat Matrix). Assumed to be
% normlaized. Namely norm(mA(:, ii)) = 1 for any
% ii.
% Structure: Matrix (m X n).
% Type: 'Single' / 'Double'.

% Range: (-inf, inf).
% - vB - input Vector.
% The model known data.
% Structure: Vector (m X 1).
% Type: 'Single' / 'Double'.
% Range: (-inf, inf).
% - numBlocks - Number of Blocks.
% The number of blocks in the problem structure.
% Structure: Scalar.
% Type: 'Single' / 'Double'.

% Range: {1, 2, ...}.
% - paramK - Parameter K.
% The L0 constraint parameter. Basically the
% maximal number of active blocks in the
% solution.
% Structure: Scalar.
% Type: 'Single' / 'Double'.
% Range: {1, 2, ...}.
% - tolVal - Tolerance Value.
% Tolerance value for equality of the Linear

% System.
% Structure: Scalar.
% Type: 'Single' / 'Double'.
% Range [0, inf).
% Output:
% - vX - Output Vector.
% Structure: Vector (n X 1).
% Type: 'Single' / 'Double'.
% Range: (-inf, inf).
% References

% 1. An Optimal Condition for the Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
% Algorithm -
% 2. Block Sparsity: Coherence and Efficient Recovery -
% Remarks:
% 1. The algorithm assumes 'mA' is normalized (Each column).
% 2. The number of columns in matrix 'mA' must be an integer
% multiplication of the number of blocks.
% 3. For 'numBlocks = numColumns' (Equivalent of 'numElmBlock = 1') the
% algorithm becomes the classic OMP.
% Known Issues:

% 1. A
% 1. Pre Process 'mA' by normalizing its columns.
% Release Notes:
% - 1.0.000 19/08/2019
% * First realease version.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %

numRows = size(mA, 1);
numCols = size(mA, 2);

numElmBlock = numCols / numBlocks;
if(round(numElmBlock) ~= numElmBlock)
error('Number of Blocks Doesn''t Match Size of Arrays');

vActiveIdx = false([numCols, 1]);
vR = vB;
vX = zeros([numCols, 1]);
activeBlckIdx = [];

for ii = 1:paramK

maxCorr = 0;

for jj = 1:numBlocks
vBlockIdx = (((jj - 1) * numElmBlock) + 1):(jj * numElmBlock);

currCorr = abs(mA(:, vBlockIdx).' * vR);
if(currCorr > maxCorr)

activeBlckIdx = jj;
maxCorr = currCorr;

vBlockIdx = (((activeBlckIdx - 1) * numElmBlock) + 1):(activeBlckIdx * numElmBlock);
vActiveIdx(vBlockIdx) = true();

vX(vActiveIdx) = mA(:, vActiveIdx) \ vB;
vR = vB - (mA(:, vActiveIdx) * vX(vActiveIdx));

resNorm = norm(vR);

if(resNorm < tolVal)



The MATLAB code is available at my StackExchange Signal Processing Q60197 GitHub Repository.
In the full code I compare the Block implementation to OMP to verify the implementation.

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