Saturday, October 26, 2019

gentiles - Why offer the Nations mitzvos from the Torah that are already in the Noahide Laws?

When Hashem went around offering the Torah to the other nations each asked what is written therein to each nation He told them of the commandment representing their weak point or vice, hence they rejected it. The question remains if you look at the things Hashem brought up they are all included in the Seven Commandments which Non Jews are responsible to keep even without the Torah. The question is why did Hashem choose to pick something they were already commanded in and why if they were commanded in these things anyway did they not accept?


The sefer Dor Revi'i answers that unscrupulous scholars are able to twist the Torah in any direction they choose, using the Torah against itself. Such as the Jewish king Menashe who was able to purify the Sheretz with 150 reasons. This was the reason the nations rejected it. They claimed that once the Torah was in their hands, they would find ample room to be lenient in prohibitions that they were especially susceptible to.

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