Monday, October 28, 2019

conjunctions - から and ので formation/conjugation differences

Consider the case when から and ので follows a noun, な-adjective, or noun-equivalent:

から:静かから... "Because it is quiet..." (Subjective causality)

ので:静かので... "Because it is quiet..." (Objective causality)

(Question) What causes the difference in the parts in bold above?


から 'since, because' attaches to a clause, whereas 'with (the reason being)' attaches to a noun. 静かだ is an indicative clause (ordinary sentence), so you can simply attach から, but not .

  • 静かだから

  • × 静かだで

In order to use , you have to have a noun. To do that, you use the formal noun (or nominalizer) taking an appositive clause. In appositive clauses and relative clauses, na-adjectives take the adnominal ending ~な.

  • × 静かなのから

  • 静かなので

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