Thursday, October 31, 2019

smell - Why is there no blessing on smelling tasty food that's cooking or baking?

AFAIK, the only "smelly" bracha we make is when smelling spices. good smelling twigs and good smelling fruit. It seems that the bracha should be made on "raw" items, only.

Apparently, the sages instituted a bracha for smelling something "nice", but whay was this limited to just raw items. The concept of birkat hanehenin is that you should make a blessing before you "enjoy" or "benefit" from something, with smell being one of the senses used for such "enjoyment".

So, if I enjoy the smell of goat curry (assume that my butcher sells me kosher goat in the NYC area), and I know and recognize the smell of turmeric and cloves when they are cooking, why is there no bracha for that smell?

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