Wednesday, October 2, 2019

halacha - How to keep kosher in a non-observant household

Many Baalei Teshuvah (returnees to Judaism) confront various conflicts regarding their interactions with non-observant family and friends. A big one, which has not been discussed here (AFAIK), is about how to eat in other people's homes when necessary.

This is not a question on the permissibility of eating in a less-religious home, eating in a non-kosher restaurant with family, or the general mindset of being a houseguest in a non-frum home. More specifically, this is about how to practically keep kosher in a family member's house that is unquestionably unkosher.

Let's say a visiting observant Jew is in a situation where they must stay with nonobservant family for a week (or some other short period of time). How does one arrange for comfortable, kosher living? Is there any literature which spells out an arrangement convenient and simple for both parties?

For simplicity's sake, this question does not deal with keeping Shabbat.

I doubt many nonobservant family members would be interested in kashering their entire kitchen for a relative's temporary stay, but would still try to politely accommodate. Obviously, the bridgework between family or friends is a personal, subjective affair, but I'm wondering if people can provide any literature or personal account for resolving this sensitive halakhic impasse.

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