Wednesday, April 4, 2018

pronunciation - Use of Dash or Hyphen in Telephone Numbers

If reading out a telephone number

e.g. 123-456789

Denwa bangō wa ichi ni san - yon go roku nana hachi kyū desu

What is the dash / hyphen called? Is it spoken? If so how is it pronounced or how do you write it?


I think you can either pause at a dash or read it as の.

As you can see in this page, where two professional announcers are discussing how to correctly read/pronounce numbers, it is also correct to read a phone number 03-1230-4050 as 「れいさん いちにさんれい よんれいごれい」.

Also in this TV commercial they read 0120-999-666 as 「ぜろいちに(い)ぜろ きゅうきゅうきゅう ろくろくろく」, and in this TV commercial 0120-666-666 as 「ぜろいちに(い)ぜろ ろくろくろく ろくろくろく」.

So, for example 0123-456-7890 can be read:

「れいいちに(い)さん (pause) よんご(お)ろく (pause) ななはちきゅうれい」-- pausing at each dash
「れいいちに(い)さん (pause) よんご(お)ろく ななはちきゅうれい」-- using a pause and の
「れいいちに(い)さん よんご(お)ろく ななはちきゅうれい」-- using の

Actually in recent years it has become much more common to read the number "0" as 「ぜろ」 than as 「れい」 (at least in real life), as in:

「ぜろいちに(い)さん (pause) よんご(お)ろく (pause) ななはちきゅうぜろ」

「ぜろいちに(い)さん (pause) よんご(お)ろく ななはちきゅうぜろ」
「ぜろいちに(い)さん よんご(お)ろく ななはちきゅうぜろ」

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