Sunday, April 1, 2018

anime - What does そこんところ mean?

In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime, Stardust Crusaders arc, episode 3, a person (花京院{かきょういん}) who JoJo (the protagonist) just saved, asks JoJo why he did that, to which JoJo replies 


Later on, JoJo asks 花京院 why he decided to join him, to which 花京院 also replies

そこんところだが。なぜ同行したくなったのかは 私にもよく分からないんだがね。

What does it mean? "This and that" (no particular reason)?


Both 「そことこ」 and 「そこところ」 are colloquial pronunciations of:


This is a very common expression which means "the point (that has been) raised"

These phrases are often followed by 「だが」、「ですが」, etc. making the whole phrase mean "Regarding the point raised(, though,)".

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