Wednesday, April 11, 2018

particle が - How do you avoid multiple が in a sentence

I would like to ask on how to avoid multiple occurrences of the particle ga in a sentence. For example:


What I meant in the sentence: The Detail query does not contain the condition of "delete-flag equals 0".

Right now I would work around this by using equals symbol or change the verb like fukumemasen.




Is the original sentence's grammar correct? If not, are my alternative sentences correct?


I'm a little confused because 0がありません means "there is no zero".

Perhaps "delete-flag equals zero" should be ゼロの削除{さくじょ}フラグ or ゼロと等{ひと}しい削除{さくじょ}フラグ

I'm going to interpret your sentence as :

The Detail query does not contain the condition of "delete-flag equals 0"

Nouns: Detail query, (the condition of) delete-flag equals 0 (Not really a noun phrase unless interpreted as a condition)

Verb: contain

Negatives: (negates existence of "condition of delete-flag equals 0")

The sentence should be of the forms:

[Detail Query]には[Condition of delete-flag equals zero]を[not contain]

詳細{しょうさい}のクエリには ゼロと等{ひと}しい削除{さくじょ}フラグの状態{じょうたい}含{ふく}めない - Condition of delete-flag equals zero is not included in the detail query.

詳細{しょうさい}のクエリは ゼロと等{ひと}しい削除{さくじょ}フラグの状態{じょうたい}ない - Condition of delete-flag equals zero is not present with respect to the detail query.

Alternatively, I think you can use the ~という construct. i.e ゼロと等{ひと}しい削除{さくじょ}フラグという. Using this will turn the sentence into ... does not contain "delete-flag equals zero" (instead of condition of ~)

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