was translated awkwardly on ALC as
She is very pretty for the liveliness of her expression.
Which おり is this? I think I know it from the polite しております but is it here wielding more expressive meaning?
Let me have a go at this:
彼女{かのじょ}は: She/Her (establishing context)
表情{ひょうじょう}が: expression (with nominative case marker)
生{い}き生{い}き: vividly, lively
して: Verb conjunctive form of する
おり: 連用形 of 居る{おる} (To be/exist for animate things) This should be the verb you're looking for
とても: intensifier
かわいい: pretty
The verb is 生き生きとして居る, the subject is 表情. Combining them yields "There is a vivid/lively expression"
Context is 彼女
Combining 1. and 2. yields "For her, there is a vivid lively expression"
Now put the verb in 連用形 to get:
One of the uses of the 連用形 is to join up several sentences as subphrases into a large continuous sentence.*
One sentence has been established, which is in 3.彼女は表情が生き生きとしており
The other sentence is とてもかわいい
((She) is very pretty)
Combining them yields "She has a lively expression, she is very pretty"
EDIT: Regarding your comment on trying to introduce a "because" nuance.
You can use the て-form of the verb to introduce an implicit sequence of events. (Weak causal relation)(If you want a stronger causal relation, use から)
See Verb Grammar - The Verb Conjunctive Form(You have to scroll down a little bit)
The difference between linking sentences with て-form and linking with 連用形 is that there is no implicit sequence of events when linking with 連用形.
*Extracted from nihongoresources:
One of the uses of the 連用形 is to join up several sentences as subphrases into a large continuous (which is what 連用 means) sentence, similar to how in English for instance you would join up two sentences by putting a comma between them and if necessary changing the phrasing on the first sentence just a tiny bit. If we look at an example you might get an idea of how this works:
日本語: 花が咲く。 English: Flowers bloom.
日本語: 鳥が鳴く English: Birds are chirping..
日本語: 春が来た。 English: Spring has come.
We can combine these into a single sentence:
日本語: 花が咲き鳥が鳴き春が来た。 English: Flowers bloom, birds are chirping; spring has come.
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