Sunday, October 13, 2019

history - Are there other extant Chabad groups besides Chabad-Lubavitch?

Wikipedia lists a number of different Chabad groups including:

  • Chabad-Lubavitch

  • Chabad-Bobroisk

  • Chabad-Kapust

  • Chabad-Liadi

  • Chabad-Nezhin

  • Chabad-Strashelye

I was told that these different groups were all formed when the sons of the Tzemach Tzedek created their own Chasidic groups. But today, I only see Chabad-Lubavitch. Are there members of the other groups still around? Or did they just merge? Or fizzle out?

Also, the Lubavitch sub-group of Chabad doesn't seem to refer to the other groups (e.g. in the family lineages I've seen in their printed seforim it only lists one son of the Tzemach-Tzedek when showing a `direct line' though the generations) -- is there a reason for that? Are there still hard feelings over the split?


Chabad-Strashelye was started by R' Aharon Strashelye after the passing of the Alter Rebbe, the first Chabad Rebbe, due to different ideas of how to practice the teachings of Chabad. According to the Wikipedia article:

After Rabbi Aharon died, his son[who?] became Rebbe in his place. However, the dynasty did not last into the next generation. Many chassidim of the Strashelye returned to Chabad-Lubavitch in the third generation, accepting the Tzemach Tzedek as their Rebbe.

The rest of the different Chabad groups mentioned were started by sons of the Tzemach Tzedek, the 3rd Chabad Rebbe, after his passing. You can read some more about it at these various wikipedia links:

Most of their Chassidim rejoined Chabad Lubavitch after a generation or two.

Lubavitch doesn't mention the other branches when showing the generational tree, because they are focusing on the transmission through the generations, starting from the first Rebbe to the present day, and not focusing so much on the general history of Chabad. In books that focus more on the history of the Chabad movement (e.g. the introduction to Hayom Yom - a sefer with daily chassidic thoughts), these other branches are discussed, although perhaps not in as much detail.

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