Saturday, August 10, 2019

Reciting a Posuk representing your name at end of Shemona Esrei - source?

Many Sidurim mention in the name of the Shela that one should say a Posuk at the end of Shemona Esrei that begins and ends with the same letter as ones name. Does anyone know where in the Shela this can be found?


The Kaf HaChayim (122:11) quotes the Eliyah Rabbah and the Sidur Nehora for this custom in order not to "forget your name" on the day of judgment. He also quotes Kitzur Shlah in this subject. He also quotes Rashi Micha 6:9 that someone should read a pasuk that begins and ends with the letters of his name every day.

I subsequently found a letter from the latest Lubavitcher Rebbe (Igros Kodesh 404) who writes that he didn't find this minhag in the Shlah or Kitzur Shlah. The words in Rashi are in parentheses and the Rebbe strongly questions whether they were written by Rashi.

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