Thursday, August 29, 2019

blessing - Specialized Al Hamichya for Eretz yIsrael "Al Michyatah" על מחייתה

We all know the special suffix for Eretz yIsrael products גפנה - "gafna" פירותיה - "peirotiha". Yesterday I saw על מחייתה "Al michyatah" in an Ashkenazi bencher, but I haven't seen that anywhere else in Ashkeazi nusach.

Anyone have a source for this?


The source for the custom to say "על מחייתה" on grain from Eretz Yisroel is brought in Birkey Yosef (OC 208:10) from the Kaftor Veferach (chapter 10) and the Agudah. See here and here for more details.

It's also brought in Tosfos R"i Chosid (printed in the sefer Bracha Meshuleshes pg. 44), Shu"t Haleket (vol. 2 Siman 55), and quoted in Yad Efrayim (OC 208), Pe'as Hashulchan (Hilchos Eretz Yisroel Siman 2 Ois 14), Mekor Chaim (Chavos Yair OC 208), Chochmas Adam (Sharey Tzedek 11:10) and Ben Ish Chai Parshas Ma'aseh. This is the nusach printed in many Sefardi siddurim (additional sources taken from here).

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