Saturday, August 31, 2019

halacha - Given Chametz by a Guest on Pesach - how to react?

An invitation was given to someone to a Seder on Pesach and they show up with a nice, expensive bottle of Single Malt Scotch Whisky (which is unquestionably barley-based if you don't want to check the link). What Halachicly acceptable alternatives does the host have to react to such a gift at that time?


See this answer

He can accept the gift with intention not to acquire it, and discard it later.

Although it is forbidden to touch chametz on Pesach, for fear that the person will come to eat it (see Orach Chaim 446:3, and Magen Avraham 5; Mishnah Berurah 10), this applies to circumstances where there is a concern for eating the chametz. Under the circumstances, where the chametz is gift-wrapped and sealed, it is possible that this concern will not apply, and there is therefore no problem.

Even if the prohibition will apply, this is not a “formal prohibition,” and under circumstances of kavod ha-brios, where rejecting the gift will certainly cause the person in question shame, one will not have to be concerned for this.

As much as many of us like good single malts, the observance of G-d's mitzvoth are worth more than $400 (more or less).

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