Monday, August 26, 2019

torts damages - Can you recommend a rabbi or community leader willing to speak about the harm of loud simcha music?

I recently published an article in the Five Towns Jewish Times that addresses the damage that loud simcha music does to hearing.

I have approached a few rabbis in my neighborhood and asked them to distribute the article and speak about this issue to their congregants. So far, the reaction has been ambivalence. The approx. 7 people I have spoken to have all acknowledged that it is a problem. Some thanked me for addressing the issue, openly (nice to get a "thanks", at least from SOMEONE, I guess?) But, essentially, I am getting the usual "yeshivish" shoulder shrug and hand waving attitude that says, "That's nice, but the problem is so prevalent, that there's nothing I could do that would stop it or make any difference, because no one will listen to me, anyway."

I'm really furious about this type of attitude. I also refuse to accept that there is absolutely no one notable or with clout that is willing to lend support on this issue. If you are aware of anyone who is willing to speak about this issue, regardless of where he is located in the world, I would appreciate knowing who and how I can contact this person.

In advance, thanks for your help and understanding.

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