Thursday, August 29, 2019

shabbat - Creating songs in your head (lyrics and melodies) on Shaabath

What I've noticed is that when there is not too much to talk about with haShem, I get kinda 'hyper'. In this state I like to go a bit primal and just shout out some noises, do some clapping and stuff like that. I was playing with a few words in Russian and came up with a nice little tune while clapping and adjusting certain rhymes, rythmic patterns and structures. It was Shaabath, saturday at dusk.

I'd like to know whether creating something mentally (be it music, plans, creative thoughts and so on) and then (after Shaabath) transforming it into the physical realm (like writing down the lyrics, composing the tune) is a melacha. Is creating in/ working with your head considered melacha?

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