Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What are we supposed to do about losing an hour of Purim this year?

With the help of the One Who Makes Times Change, we have merited to discuss, in previous years, various aspects of Jewish Law and Custom related to the changing of clocks for Daylight Saving Time:).

This year (5777/2017), those of us who live in the US^.^ face a special conundrum: we will be moving the clocks forward on Purim itself! If I understand this correctly, that means that we're going to lose an hour of Purim, which seems to directly contradict the rule "When Adar enters, Joy increases".

What modifications to the practices of Daylight Saving Time and/or Purim practices are recommended for resolving this conundrum?

A clock missing an hour, with a smiley and question marks

:) And these are they:
- Is Daylight Saving Time a Mitzvah DeOraitha or Takkanah DeRabanan?
- Daylight Saving Time - forward or backward?
- Announcing the clock change in English?
- Seeking texts of all prayers associated with the clock change

^.^ OK, Most of the US.

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