Monday, January 15, 2018

midrash - The Stones of Yaakov

the gemora in Chulin 91b comments on the pasuk in parsha vayetzei

Rabbi Yitzchak said: This tells us that all the stones gathered themselves together into one place and each one said: 'Upon me shall this righteous man rest his head'. Thereupon all [the stones], a Tanna taught, were merged into one.

Is this meant to be taken literally? Does this mean inanimate objects have some sort of awareness?

I am especially interested in the view that it is literal and that these rocks were real as the Mesilat Yesharim writes in ch.26 "in this way was all use they made of the things of this world. Since they were clinging to God's holiness it was an elevation and an enhancement for that thing which merited to be of use to a Tzadik. Our sages already referred to the matter of the "stones at the place" which Yaakov took and put under his head.."

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