Monday, January 29, 2018

historical figures - Is Pinchas of Balak/Pinchas same Pinchas as Shoftim?

Is the Pinchas from the generation that left Egypt the same as the Pinchas mentioned in Shoftim 20?

Pinchas's zealotry earns him an eternal priesthood because of going above the letter of the law and risking his own life (al pi Rashi) to exact judgement.

The Pinchas of Shoftim calls on Israel to battle Binyomin to the point of nearly exterminating the tribe. In this case the zealotry isn't a positive choice and because of this error causes thousands of Jews to perish.

I am interested in anyones findings in the Gemara, Commentary on Tanach, etc. that connect these two Pinchas individuals as the same and also discuss the topic of zealotry.

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