Friday, January 26, 2018

halacha - Does braille go to sheimos?

Do things that, when written in print, require placement in sheimos (such as shem Hashem and divrei Torah), need to be placed in sheimos when written in Braille? Would we say that since most people can't read it, it doesn't need to be put into sheimos; or, would we say that since a large portion of the population can read it, that it would require placement in sheimos?


Rav Zilberstein writes in Veha'arev Na (page 441), that sheimos written in Braille require placement in sheimos, as they are read by a wide audience of blind people.

Challenge: May divrei Torah written in braille be thrown in the garbage, or do they require genizah like divrei Torah written in normal script?

Solution: Since braille is a written language read by a wide audience of blind people, it has the same status as any other written script. Therefore, divrei Torah written in braille must be placed in genizah.

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