Tuesday, January 30, 2018

halacha - Brewing fresh coffee for Shabbos with a time clock

May one prepare coffee ingredients in a brewer such as this one on Friday and set the timer to brew the coffee for 8:00 Shabbos morning?


The Sefer Yerushas Pleita (Siman 16) brings from a sefer called Matta Yerushalayim that quotes in the name of the Chasam Sofer that it was common for people to set up a fire on Erev Shabbos in a way that would burn along a path until shabbos morning where it would reach the stove that had a coffee pot sitting on top and it would cook it.

Based off this the Shearim Metzuyanim Behalacha (Vol. 2. Siman 72 note 42) says that to set a timer for the coffee is not a problem. For although the electricity is lit on Shabbos, it is not any worse than the practice quoted above.

Of course the water and the coffee are already prepared in the pot before shabbos.

As noted in other answers here Rav Moshe Feinstein, as well as other prominent Poskim, forbade this practice.

This is not to be relied upon for practical halacha.

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