Friday, January 26, 2018

orthography - 皆さんはどんな字を書いていますか? / How do Japanese speakers write kana or kanji by hand?


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  • 自分はこういう字を書いている

  • こういう字が一般的だと思う

  • こういう書き方もアリだと思う



Recently we have a topic on meta about whether asking for checking handwriting is on-topic or not. I personally think those questions are not necessary to be ruled out, though I have to agree with an opinion that it's not productive to allow many learners to submit similar questions totally cluelessly. Who'd learn to write Japanese would refer textbooks or other resources, on which might be printed 教科書体 characters for novice writers, which is still somehow detached from what we see in the outside world by being too prim, prescriptive, or carrying over brushstroke style.

enter image description here enter image description here

Moreover, those who haven't ever come into contact with peculiar writing systems such as kana and kanji would have difficulties grasping the gist however they stared at the textbook.

So I'd like to accumulate living samples of ordinary handwritten Japanese so that we can provide a certain reference point to possible questioners to help them know well what they're going to ask. Any suggestions e.g.:

  • I write Japanese this way

  • I think this is a typical example

  • ... or an edge case

are appreciated.

Thank you for your cooperation!

(I'm not sure if this belongs on main or meta. If you think it should go meta, please flag it.)

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