Thursday, August 15, 2019

theology - God as Cohen(paradigm) mentioned in my Jewish Study Bible (The Jewish Publication Society)

Hello I'm a Christian that joined the board to learn more about the background of the Bible. A decade ago, I bought a Jewish Study Bible and was intrigued by some of the ideas in the footnotes, and Introduction section. One idea that intrigued me was the notion of "God as Cohen", in speaking of the Genesis creation. (The article speaks in terms of microcosm and compares the Genesis account to other far "Near Eastern Creation stories".) The article mentions God being like a priest because He a) gives blessings, b)consecrates the Sabbath, and c) parallels are seen between constructing the Earth and the construction of the Tabernacle. Anyway I was wondering if anyone had more to add to this topic? I find it intriguing but difficult because many times when I think of the roles God plays, other roles like King, Father etc. seem equally or even more true than God acting as a Cohen / Old Testament priest.

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