Friday, August 2, 2019

shabbat - Challa knife - Non serrated

Recently I met someone who told me there are those that specifically only use a non serrated Challa knife at the Shabbos meal. I was wondering if there is a source that discusses this and what is the reason?


See here in Taame Haminhagim in the notes

ובספר לבושי מכלול קו"א כתב בשם ספר א' דסכין חד סגולה לפרנסה דאינו עושה פרורין דקשה לעניות. והנה סופי תיבות של "פותח את ידיך" הוא השם הממונה על הפרנסה, ועל כן טוב לחתוך בסכין חד וחלק:‏

The reason is to avoid crumbs, that is a segula for parnasa, because Chatach is sofe tevot poteach et yadecha, and the shem chatach is linked to parnasa. And if we cut the bread with a great amount of crumbs, as serrated knife this is bad for parnasa

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