Thursday, August 1, 2019

particles - using の with と,で, から, まで

This page explains that a noun with と, で, から, まで that modifies another noun must have の attached to them as in:


But it lists this example


Both with で. what is the difference between them? Are there other rules about の and と, で, から, まで, etc?


The difference is that での shows the relationship to a following noun, just as the page says. 日本での研究 forms a single noun phrase ("research in Japan"), and this noun phrase as a whole is marked as a topic with は.

In the other example, 大学院で isn't part of a noun phrase. Instead, it modifies the following predicate, (医学の研究を)する ("do medical research").

So it's just as the web page says. If you see ~での, you should be figuring out what noun it links to (研究), and if you see ~で, you should be figuring out what verb (or other predicate) it links to (する).

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