Saturday, January 6, 2018

halacha - Are you allowed to get married the night going into Shiva Asar B'Tamuz?

Are you allowed to get married the night going into Shiva Asar B'Tamuz? If you have the Chupa prior to Shekiya can the wedding continue past sunset? (Sources please)


Rabbi Moshe Feinstein says yes, "if needed". (I.e. there's a legitimate reason why you couldn't do the wedding a day or two earlier.)

His cousin-once-removed, Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveichik, said no.

Rabbi Soloveichik's argument: "if the Talmud debated whether the fast starts at night, and some later rabbis thought you start saying the fast-day prayers at night, that means that elements of the fast really start at night."

Rabbi Feinstein's argument (OC I:168): "the Talmud concludes that the fast doesn't start at night; yes it was later debated about saying the prayers at night, but we conclude that the fast-day prayers don't start until day; that opinion has stronger Talmudic support; and the whole no-three-weeks-wedding thing is a custom, so we should be lenient in cases of doubt."

Hat tip Joseph Kaplan and others.

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