Sunday, February 17, 2019

What was the Lubavitcher Rebbe's position on women's gemara study?

It is my understanding that women's gemara study is rabbinically prohibited. However, I keep hearing that the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l had an interesting, perhaps liberal position regarding women's study of gemara.

But I don't know exactly what it was, and pages like this do little to clear up the confusion. What was it? Did the Rebbe have--and/or does Chabad today have--an "official" position regarding the permissibility of gemara study for women?

(I am interested both in the current Lubavitcher Rebbe's position on this issue, and--insofar as it might be subtly different--in the holistic Chabad view, i.e., including positions of the previous Rebbes. I would also like to know what Chabad does in practice with this information; as far as I understand, it is a bit of a mixed bag, insofar as mainstream Chabad women learn Ayn Yaakov but not general gemara, but certain Chabad institutions have and do teach women gemara itself, if I am not mistaken. Can anyone confirm or refute?)

Related: Is it forbidden for a woman to learn Gemara?

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