Thursday, February 21, 2019

halacha - Davening whilst on a road-trip, what must I do?

If I'm driving long distance on a road-trip, (approx. 400 miles, leaving house at 3am, arriving at approximately 9am) am I required to stop the car, get out, and daven Shacharit at or before sunrise? Is there a way I can daven while still driving? If I were to get an audio recording of a chazzan leading the service, say amen at the right points etc., would this count?

Those that I'm going with are not Jewish, so it'd be kind of awkward to tell them to wait in the car for an hour.


As jake pointed out in his comment, if you'll be arriving by 9 AM, then just daven when you reach your destination.

If you're going to be on the road during the entire timeframe for Shacharis, though, then you can stop for just Shema and Shemoneh Esrei (those shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes or so), and say the rest of Shacharis while driving. (It is true that there are parts that it's customary to stand for, but that's just that - a custom, not an absolute halachic requirement.)

A recording wouldn't help for any of this. It's questionable whether you can fulfill your obligation by hearing a berachah (or whatever) live over the telephone or radio or whatever; but as far as I know it's undisputed that a pre-recorded voice doesn't count for anything.

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