Friday, February 22, 2019

halacha - Play a woodwind instrument on Shabbat?

Is it forbidden to play a woodwind instrument, such as a recorder, on Shabbat?

I want to say it's forbidden, because (I think) musical instruments were played in the beit haMikdash. However, even though they were played, were they made? In other words, would it be considered a "work" in that it's "work" that is forbidden on Shabbat?


It's forbidden (Shulchan Aruch, OC 338:1). He gives no reason (as usual), but, if I recall correctly, the reason the rabbis instituted this prohibition was as a safeguard lest one come to fix the instrument as needed while playing. (I know little about woodwinds, but I guess that might include putting in a new reed.)

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