Friday, February 22, 2019

greetings - Arimasu as a parting phrase

Hope this is an appropriate question!

I visited Tokyo back in September and got by on some very basic Japanese (though more often with the help of their good grasp on English).

Anyway, there was a couple of times I heard as a parting phrase... once from a barman and I believe another in a restaurant. I thought it was just "arimasu" or "arimasen" by itself though I may have missed a particle or other word. I tried to look it up when I was there and have searched many times over the last few months to decipher it but with no luck.

The curiosity is still getting to me, could anyone here shed some light on how that might be used as a parting phrase?


I guess you've misheard heavily slurred ありがとうございます.

When spoken very quickly, ありがとうございます can be pronounced like ありゃーっす! or ありわーっす! or あざーっす! And ありがとうございました can be more like ありゃーしたぁ! or あーした!

Similarly, slurred いらっしゃいませ can sound like しあわせ, ラッシュアワースリー, or even エアロスミス.

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