In a small community without a learned ba'al koreh, it can be difficult to assemble enough readers to read the entire weekly parsha to a suitable degree of proficiency. Is there any provision in halacha for reading less, provided the entire torah is read over the course of the cycle (which will take more than a year in this case)?
I understand that some have a triennial cycle instead of the annual one (I've heard this said of Israeli communities in particular). I have the impression, perhaps mistaken, that those communities have a received tradition of the triennial cycle; they didn't just do it for expedience. Here I'm asking about a community that would otherwise read the entire parsha and complete the cycle in a year, except that they don't have enough good-enough readers. Short of fixing their ba'al koreh deficiency, what can such a community do?
I heard from R. Nota Greenblatt, the posek of the South that if the baal korei has trouble reading the whole thing you can further subdivide the parsha, as the original enactment of krias hatorah wasnt to finish it each year.
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