Thursday, February 28, 2019

halacha - Why do we say the normal Mishnayos after Birkas HaTorah on Tisha BeAv?

After Birkas HaTorah in the morning, we say a Pasuk (VaYedaber ... YeVarechecha ... VaAni Avarachem), a Mishna (Eilu Dvarim SheEin LaHem Shiyur ... VeTalmud Torah) and some Gemara (Eilu Devarim SheAdam Ochel ... VeTalmud Torah Keneged Kulam).

We say those verses to fulfill our obligation to learn Torah after Birkas HaTorah.

On the morning of Tisha BeAv we only learn the "sad" parts of Torah. Why don't we replace these phrases with more "appropriate" verses (kind of like how we replace Mishnayos before Kaddish)?


Rav Moshe Einstadter of Cleveland, Ohio told me that for several years he actually switched to saying pesukim from Eicha, and Mishnayos and Gemara related to mourning. He switched back after some time.

Rav Ezra Neuberger (Rosh Kollel of Kollel Avoads Levi of Ner Israel) explained that these segments are not arbitrary, or just happen to be conveniently related to Torah. He explained that they really complete the Birkas HaTorah, in that each one highlights an element of what Torah study is, and therefore they are very much connected to the beracha. The verses communicate that Torah is a beracha, the Mishna communicates that Torah is boundless, and the Gemara communicates that Torah surpasses this world. Therefore, they are singularly appropriate to accompany the beracha, and they really are, in a sense, part of the beracha. We don't replace them because they are more intrinsic to that part of the service.

(@DoubleAA's point not withstanding)

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