Sunday, February 24, 2019

tefilla - What is the point of praying if your fate is already decided on Rosh Hashana?

It says in Rosh Hashana

" On the New Year, [first of Tishrei] all who have entered the earth pass before Him, one by one, like young sheep, as it says: “He that fashioned the heart of them all, Who understands all their deeds”

" All are judged on New Year and their doom is sealed on the Day or Atonement."

So if your fate is sealed on Yom Kippur then why do we pray or give tzedakah or even do teshuvah and try to change are fate if it is already sealed.

For example in Shemona Esray we pray that the crop of this year should be good and another bracha is healing the sick.

So why do we pray for all those things if it is already decided on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur

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