Thursday, February 21, 2019

halacha - Should Ashkenazim say 'מוריד הטל' in Israel?

The Rema (114:3) brings the Tur who says that Ashkenazim do not say 'מוריד הטל' in the amidah:

"Us, the Ashkenazim, do not commemorate the 'טל' [i.e. say 'מוריד הטל'], not in the summer days nor in the rainy season..."

Is it considered 'minhag eretz Yisrael' to say מוריד הטל and should Ashkenazim forgo the psak of the Rema and say מוריד הטל in Israel?

(This question is inspired by a conversation I had with a fellow Jew who said that for Ashkenazim who don't say 'מוריד הטל' in Israel it is as if they have not said Amidah - I believe he was bringing the opinion of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach)

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