Saturday, March 17, 2018

halacha - Sleeping between meat and milk

I have heard in the name of the Chasam Sofer that if one sleeps after eating meat that they can be lenient in the amount of time one would normally wait between eating meat and milk. Is this written anywhere? Which other poskim discussed this?


The sefer "Zikaron L'Moshe" (pg. 65) writes that the Chasam Sofer originally understood that the reason one must wait six hours after meat, is because that is how long it takes to digest the food, and therefore this only applies to one who ate a meal in the day. However, when one sleeps the food digests quicker, and he may eat milk even before six hours are up. Based on this reasoning, the Chasam Sofer prepared himself a cup of coffee to drink, but when he picked it up the cup broke and the coffee spilt, which the Chassam Sofer took as a Divine sign that he was incorrect and the full wait time applies even after sleeping.

For additional sources that discuss this see: Piskey Teshuva 3:285, Da'as Kedoshim YD 89:2, Beis Avi 3:108, Teshuvos Vehanhagos 1:431

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