Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Which one is the best notation for sodium acetate

I have seen two different notations for sodium acetate. The first one is:


The second one is:


Now I'm confused, which one is the best to use?


There is nothing wrong with either formula. And you can use even more:

  • $\ce{NaC2H3O2}$

  • $\ce{C2H3NaO2}$

It really depends on which point you want to bring across.


This formula, being analogous to formulae like $\ce{NaCl}$ stresses the inorganic salt view more. It shows that there is a cation ($\ce{Na+}$) and an anion ($\ce{CH3COO-}$) which form a salt crystal together much like the anion $\ce{Cl-}$ would do with the same cation. Inorganic nomenclature prefers cations to be written first.


Is basically the same except for saying ‘I don’t care how those seven atoms combine to form the anion, all I care for is what’s in there.’


This one stresses a more organic-chemical point of view where it’s relevant where the cation is actually bound to within the molecule. Oftentimes, organic chemists would even write structural formulae with a bond between oxygen and sodium as if it were hydrogen. The reasoning behind this is ‘I don’t care if the structure ends up being a salt, all I need to know is that the sodium somehow connects to the carboxyl group.’

Note that you can combine the first’s and the third’s idea to give $\ce{NaOOCCH3}$ which works, but is a lot less used than either of them.


This is the Beilstein-type lookup formula. You just know the elemental composition of your compound and now want to look it up — you can’t know whether it’s sodium acetate or sodium hydroxyethanalate (if that name is even correct). Or maybe you just don’t care. The reasoning behind this is $\ce{C}$ first, $\ce{H}$ second, the remaining elements following in alphabetic order.

Finally, there are also shortened formulae. The most common (the one I actually use most) would be $\ce{NaOAc}$. Here, $\ce{Ac}$ is an abbreviation for $\ce{H3C-C=O}$ where whatever follows or precedes is bound to the carbonyl carbon. Note that this formula is not considered standard, and would need to be included in a list of abbreviations or defined otherwise if you decide to use it.

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