Saturday, March 31, 2018

marriage - Multiple wives in Chazal

Is anyone aware of any of the Tanaim or Amoraim who had more than one wife (at the same time)? Not just technically married, but actually living together as husband and wife (or wives). I was once told that you will not find any that did.


Hebrew Wikipedia says that

לא ידוע על תנאים או על אמוראים שהיו נשואים לשתי נשים יחד. על פי זה, הסיק הרב ראובן מרגליות שריבוי נשים, גם אם הוא מותר - איננו מומלץ, ואף מגונה.‏

We do not find any Tanaim or Amoraim married to two wives together and Rav Reuven Margulies concludes that multiple wives even if permitted is not advised and is even unpleasant.

This is cited to "עוללות, מוסד הרב קוק, תש"ז עמ' 13."

He does not mention the Yerushalmi Yevomos mentioned here and in several of the comments.

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