Sunday, March 25, 2018

halacha - Why must not we cry out/make petitions in Shabbat? (Shabbat 12a)

Why we must not cry out/make petitions in Shabbat? (Shabbat 12a)

Our Rabbis taught: If one enters [a house] to visit a sick person [on the Sabbath], he should say, 'It is the Sabbath, when one must not cry out, and recovery will soon come.'

Shabbat 12a - Soncino version


Rashi says there:

שבת היא מלזעוק. צריך להרחיב דעתם בתנחומים שלא יצטערו:‏

[One says more than the usual Refu'a Sheleima] in order for them to feel good so as to alleviate their sorrow.

On the next folio when the Gemara mentions that it's barely permissible to visit the sick on Shabbat, Rashi again says it's because of the sorrow caused.

ואמר רבי חנינא בקושי התירו לנחם אבלים ולבקר חולים בשבת
בקושי התירו. מפני שמצטער

This makes it sound like we're alleviating the sorrow of the person visiting the sick.

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