Saturday, March 24, 2018

halacha - Would a replacement kohen gadol be anointed on yom kippur?

Here is what I know:

  1. When a kohen gadol dies we replace him. In fact we've got a replacement kohen gadol waiting in the wings on yom kippur just in case

  2. Any kohen who becomes kohen gadol gets anointed with oil

  3. There are 5 types of things which are forbidden on yom kippur including anointing and bathing (Yoma 8:1)

  4. Someone who already is a kohen gadol, on yom kippur must immerse in a mikvah

My question is if a kohen becomes a kohen gadol on yom kippur does he get anointed with oil or not?


Rambam, Hil. Avodas Yom Hakippurim 1:3 (from Yoma 12a-b):

זה שנכנס תחתיו אינו צריך חינוך אלא עבודתו מחנכתו

"The one who replaces him doesn't need any inauguration; his performing the avodah [of Yom Kippur, which is reserved for the kohen gadol] inaugurates him."

So he doesn't need anointing at that time (and not after Yom Kippur either, because as Rambam goes on to point out, the original kohen gadol resumes his position then).

Incidentally, too, this question would have applied only during most of the era of the first Beis Hamikdash (and will again be the case in the third one, בב"א). During the last thirty or so years of the first Beis Hamikdash, and all of the second, there was no shemen hamishchah - it was hidden away by Yoshiyahu - and the kohanim gedolim were appointed by being clothed in the eight garments (Rambam, Hil. Klei Hamikdash 4:12).

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