Friday, March 2, 2018

grammar dikduk - Okay to address a rabbi with "you"?

I find it awkward to constantly say "Rabbi" instead of "you" while in a conversation.

For example:

"Hello Rabbi. I once spoke with the Rabbi regarding X. The Rabbi said Y. I think that the Rabbi was correct..."

Is it enough to simply say "rabbi" once in the onset of the conversation and then switch to "you"?

As in:

"Hello Rabbi. I once spoke with the Rabbi regarding X. You said Y. I think that the you were correct..."


From what I saw during while being in Yeshiva for 10 yrs. the Rabbiem are happier when they are constantly called Rebbi.

I don't think they are looking for honor. They want you to honor the Torah.

The following is from the Yeshiva Website:

It seems from the Rambam that the source of speaking to someone in third person out of respect is not a Halachah. In Hilchot Talmud Torah, chapter 5 that discusses honoring the sages, he writes in Halachah 5, One should not greet his Rabbi, or return greetings to him, in the same way that people greet friends and return greetings to each other, but one should bow slightly in front of him and say in reverence, Shalom to you, my Rabbi. If the Rabbi greeted him, he returns greetings by saying, Shalom to you, my Rabbi and teacher. We see from here that he is speaking respectfully in second person. Also in Halachah 9 he writes, if one sees his Rabbi violating a Torah matter, he tells him, so and so is what you taught us, our Rabbi. Whenever he mentions something he heard he says to him, this is what you taught us, our Rabbi. Here we see again that he used a respectful terminology in second person.

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