Saturday, November 18, 2017

minhag - Torah Shabbos Tisha b'Av After Chatzos

There seem to be widespread reports of an Ashkenazi custom to refrain from studying (joyful) Torah specifically after chatzos (midday) on Shabbos that falls out on the 9th of Av (see e.g. here and here). I assume these reports are based on the controversial custom reported by the Ramo (OC 553:2) to refrain from studying Torah after chatzos on erev tisha b'av, even if it falls out on shabbos:

ונהגו שלא ללמוד בערב תשעה באב מחצות ואילך כי אם בדברים המותרים בתשעה באב ולכן אם חל בשבת אין אומרים פרקי אבות

Are these reports then based on a misreading of the Ramo (rendering "אם חל בשבת" as "if it [the 9th of Av] falls out on Shabbos" rather than as the seemingly more reasonable [8th of Av]) or is there some reason to be stricter after midday (even though we are generally more lenient after chatzos on Tisha B'Av, e.g. re sitting low, etc.)

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