Monday, November 20, 2017

how to - How does one grow long peyos?

I know that this sounds simple, but it's really much harder than I thought it would be. Right now I have short peyos that I tuck behind my ear but I really want to grow some long curly peyos like some Chassidim (not Lubavitch) do. Does anyone have any answers? Any advice?


If you give them time and don't allow them to be cut, they'll be long. (How much time is necessary depends on how long you want them to be, of course. A tip of my hat to Isaac Moses for this link to Wikipedia, which says human hair typically grows six inches (fifteen cm) in a year.)

If you have a medical condition that prevents your hair from growing, consult a medical professional. If someone is cutting them without your knowledge while you're asleep, sleep alone and lock your bedroom door.

You mention curly, though. Some people's hair is curly; others have to curl it. I recommend curlers (also called hair rollers), not because I have personal experience with them, but because they have been quite popular for curling hair for many years so I assume they must work pretty well. However, please consult your rabbi before using curlers: I don't know whether they are considered "women's garb" of the sort forbidden to men.

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