Sunday, December 22, 2019

history - Source for story of Rashi, the King, and the Four Horsemen

There is a story (you can read the details here) about Rashi telling a King that he will conquer Yerushalaim for 3 days and return with 3 horses and 3 riders. The King returned with 4, but as they entered the city walls, a stone fell down and killed 1 of the riders and his horse, fulfilling Rashi's words.

What is the source of this story?


This story is from Shalsheles HaKabalah (bottom of that page, continues to next page).

Shalsheles HaKabalah is a history book published by Gedalia ben Yosef Ibn Yechia in 1586.

This article (page 16) translates a longer version of the story from a manuscript that they say is from Gedalia ben Yosef Ibn Yechia. The article also discusses the veracity of the story.

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