Tuesday, December 24, 2019

halacha - What to do if you say the wrong version of the last bracha in Shmoneh Esrei?

There are generally two texts for the last bracha of Shmoneh Esrei - one beginning Sim Shalom, and one that starts Shalom Rav. There are different customs for when each is said.

If someone says the wrong one according to his custom (e.g. Sim Shalom at Shabbat Mincha outside of Israel) but would be correct according to a different custom (inside Israel) - what should be done?

What about if someone says the wrong one according to all customs (e.g. Shalom Rav at Shacharit)?


Rema ( OC 127:2):

The Rema says that the custom is to say Sim Shalom during Shacharis and any other Tefillah that is fitting to have a Birkas Cohanim i.e. Mussaf (of Shabbos Rosh Codesh or Chag), and the Minchah of a Fast Day.

Biur Halacha:

a) The Minhag according to the Arizal (Chasidim) is to say Sim Shalom all the times. According to the Aruch Hasulchan this is also the Minhag of Sefardim.

b) If you said Shalom Rav during a time when you should have said Sim Shalom you don’t have to daven again.

c) If you are still in the middle of the Beracho and you realize you said Shalom Rav erroneously you should go back to the beginning of the Beracho. If the opposite happened you would not have to go back since you said a lengthier version this will suffice.

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