Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Can't find the meaning of 「パー」

I have searched through a few dictionaries and through google but i can't seem to find an answer. from the fact that it's not found in any standard dictionary indicates it's an abbreviation but because of that i don't know the original word. so can't find it.

one sentence example:


Example 2:



You might be having trouble finding it because it's apparently listed as ぱあ in dictionaries. See definition #3 for the meaning of パー in your examples.

From デジタル大辞泉 definition on Kotobank:



1 じゃんけんで、5本の指をすべて開いた形。かみ。「ぐう、ちょき、ぱあ」

2 持っていた金品がすっかりなくなること。それまで苦労したことが全くむだになること。また、そのさま。「台風で旅行の計画がぱあになる」

3 間抜けなこと。また、そのさま。ばか。「あいつぱあなんじゃないか」

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