Friday, December 27, 2019

sources mekorot - Learning Torah without understanding

The Magen Avraham in Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim Siman 50 Sif-Katan 2 writes that learning (Torah) is only called "learning" if one understands what they learn (see there for the context in which he says this. However clearly speaking about Torah She'bal Peh, the "Oral Torah" -- Mishnah, Gemorah, etc.)

The Maharal in Gavuros HaShem Perek 63 (see beginning of top left column) writes that we make the bracha on learning Torah of "l'asok b'divrei Torah" since any of our "asek" (toil) in Talmud Torah is a Mitzvah even if one does not understand. Does the Maharal mean to say this by both the Written Torah (Tanach) and the Oral Torah (Mishnah, Gemorah, etc.) Or perhaps only the Written Torah or only the Oral Torah. Is there a maklokes (disagreement) here between the Maharal and Magen Avraham. What other seforim or mefarshim discuss this?

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