Monday, December 30, 2019

minhag - Which Knot to Use on Tefillin Shel Rosh

When I was a child, I saw that all people had the same knot on their Tefillin Shel Rosh - a Double Daled (Ashkenazi community).

Recently I saw a comment that even those who grew up with a Double Daled, and even if their Father's minhag was a Double Daled, that they should all switch to a Single Daled.

My questions are:

  1. What are the sources for this, if any?

  2. Why is the Single Daled supposed to be "better"? Is this only for Kabbalistic reasons, or is there a real Halachic reason for this?

  3. Are these poskim who require this change in minhag correct to do so?

  4. Are there any Ashkenazi Poskim and/or Groups today that specifically say that a Double Daled is preferable?


As @NoachmiFrankfurt mentioned above, and suggested I convert into an answer:

Here's a partial answer: The MMA madrich gives requires a double-dalet knot

Furthermore, there are Sephardim, such as the London community, who also maintain this practice:

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